Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baseball can suck it

Seriously, who didn't see this coming? A-rod, the biggest star in major league Baseball used steroids to enhance his performance. No kidding. And the big question on everyones mind is will it tarnish his legacy? Or will his admitting he used them save him and allow him to be entered into the Hall of fame. First off, yes he admitted to using steroids, AFTER Palmero outed him for it. If he would have made the trip to New York and then said well I was using steroids in Texas, but then still played well. I might have forgiven him. But years after the fact and only after someone else called him out on it...that doesn't mean squat.

And honestly, as far as I'm concerned Baseball should be disbanded and reformed under a new format with salary caps and strict drug tests. These athletes forget that they are heroes to young kids and they make it seem like it's OK to cheat, and then once your caught to expect forgiveness without any consequences. If it's illegal and he's admitted to it, put him in jail. Would you treat any one else differently if they admitted to their guilt? No you wouldn't. You might give a lesser sentence, but you wouldn't let them off the hook completely. It's bull.

Anyway, I love to play baseball and even to watch it. But, professional Baseball has been without a soul for a long time. If any sport ever needed to re-invent itself, it's baseball.

1 comment:

kborn said...

And with Phelps too...drugs drugs and more drugs....sigh.....