Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cold...this isn't cold, It's hell

Good morning everyone,

For those of you who don't live in Minneapolis, let me say...you lucky bastards! This morning at 7:30 the temperature had dropped to -16, with a wind chill of -35. Now, I'm definitely not a baby when it comes to cold, but when you're afraid that your car door is going to fall off if you close it to hard....that is just too cold.

As I sit at my desk and watch the sun rise, I'm hoping that the sunshine will help. It is pretty amazing how sunny this winter has been. In Ann Arbor, almost every single day in the winter was overcast and dreary, 25 degrees warmer, but dreary. I definitely have to give props to the people who have lived here their whole life, but also to those who live even further north. You Canadians must certainly be a tough brew...or crazy.

Anyway, onto current events. For those of you who don't know, I have elected to take Best Buy's offer of separation and move back to the Milwaukee area. I have been offered and accepted a job working for a small planning and design construction firm located in the third ward of Milwaukee. I'm really excited, but sad at the same time. I have greatly enjoyed my time here with Best Buy, and will not completely rule out working for them again in the future. However, I would like to be in one place for longer than a year, so that is definitely a more long term prospect.

Well, now that my fingers are no longer icicles, and the sun is full risen, I am going to start working. Take care everyone, and stay warm!


kborn said...

ha ha, i won't tell you we're going to the park today then. the outside park. it's no better in mke!

Bugaboo said...

It's been between 20F-30F for the past few days and people act like it's uber cold here. I laugh at them; they have no idea. It's supposed to get down to a low of 4F on Friday night and people are pretty much freakin' out. I once lived in northeastern Saskatchewan roughly 100 miles south of the Northwest Territories and today it's -26F there. Maryland has no idea what cold is.

Erin said...

Congrats on the job! We cannot wait to have you two back in the same town!!