Thursday, July 2, 2009

6 Months = 1 Store

Six Months.... That is how long I have been away from Best Buy Mobile. In that time they have opened one store. One dang store!!!!!

Now I don't know for sure that they do not have more under construction, but seriously, when I left the plan was for something like 40 this year. And so far, we have 1. And honestly, it's in a mall I recommended, but definitely NOT the one I thought they'd get open first. It's in Eden Prairie, MN. I thought it would be perfect, but I was told that it wasn't good enough. I guess all I can say is whatever BBY Mobile...whatever.

Well, I guess that should make me feel happy that they eventually took my advice seriously, but I'm picturing the insanity I may have had to gone through to get to the point they are at right now, opening one store in 6 months...It certainly makes me feel like I made the right move...Although it would have been nice to live near Katie and Mike...


kborn said...

thanks for the shout out! especially since my favorite favorites are in EP. :)
and if you were there, maybe things would've gone differently!? who knows....

Bugaboo said...

Wow, one store when the projected number was around 40!?! Sounds like you definitely made the right choice, or you'd be calling my hotline these days from the insanity! lol

Jill said...

You make me laugh, Tim. :] Katie- we'd definately have loved to be your neighbors!! The good ole days!!